Atlas of Romania

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See also: Atlas of Transylvania.
Wikimedia Commons Atlas of the World

The Wikimedia Atlas of the World is an organized and commented collection of geographical, political and historical maps available at Wikimedia Commons.
Discussion • Update the atlas • Index of the Atlas • Atlas in categories • Other atlases on line
The introductions of the country, dependency and region entries are in the native languages and in English. The other introductions are in English.


Română România

România este un stat situat în Europa. Se învecinează cu Ucraina şi Republica Moldova în nord şi est, Ungaria şi Serbia la vest şi Bulgaria la sud. În sud-est, România are o porţiune de coastă care îi oferă acces la Marea Neagră. Capitala şi cel mai mare oraş este Bucureşti. România este membru al NATO din 2004 şi, din 1 ianuarie 2007, a Uniunii Europene.

Magyar Románia

Románia európai ország, fővárosa Bukarest. Északkeletről Ukrajna és Moldova határolja, nyugatról Magyarország és Szerbia, délről Bulgária, míg keleten a Fekete-tengerrel határos. Az ország 2007. január 1. óta az Európai Unió tagja.

English Romania - Romania

Romania is a country in Europe. Romania borders ► Hungary and ► Serbia (with ► Vojvodina) to the west, ► Ukraine and ► Moldova to the northeast, and ► Bulgaria to the south. Romania has a stretch of sea coast along the Black Sea, and the eastern and southern Carpathian mountains run through its center.

In other languages - Deutsch: Rumänien ist eine Republik in Europa, die 850 km von der Pannonischen Tiefebene bis zum Schwarzen Meer reicht. Der Name Romania war im Latein der Spätantike eine verbreitete Kurzbezeichnung für das Römische Reich. Rumänien grenzt an der Republik Moldau, Ukraine, Ungarn, Serbien und Bulgarien. Die Hauptstadt ist Bukarest. Rumänien ist EU- und NATO-Mitglied.

- Romani: Rumuniya si ek them andi Europa. Si somdasno (membro) ando OTNA le 2004to bershestar vi ando Europikano Ekipen katar 1 Yanuara 2007to bersheste.
- Français: la Roumanie est un État situé en Europe, membre de l’Union Européenne et de l'OTAN. Possédant un héritage latin, ce pays est entouré par des pays slaves comme la Bulgarie, la Serbie ou l’Ukraine et par la Hongrie. Il est bordé par la mer Noire au sud-est. Au nord-est, un petit pays également à majorité roumanophone, la République de Moldavie, ne fait plus partie de la Roumanie depuis 1944. La Roumanie, qui est le 7e pays le plus peuplé de l’Union européenne et le 9e par sa superficie, est aussi un pays stratégique pour l'Union européenne, vues ses relations étroites avec les pays de la mer Noire.
- Polski: Rumunia kraj w południowo-wschodniej części Europy. Graniczy z Węgrami i Serbią na zachodzie, Bułgarią na południu wzdłuż Dunaju, oraz Ukrainą i Mołdawią na północy. Kraj ma także dostęp do Morza Czarnego. Bukareszt jest stolicą i największym miastem Rumunii. Od 29 marca 2004 roku Rumunia jest członkiem NATO, a od 1 stycznia 2007 także Unii Europejskiej. Po przyjęciu do organizacji, Rumunia stała się siódmym według liczby ludności krajem wspólnoty.

Short name  Romania
Official name Romania
Status United independent country since 1877, recognized 1878 , member of the ► European Union since 2007
Location Central Europe
Capital Bucureşti (Bucharest)
Population 19,414,458 inhabitants
Area 238,391 square kilometres (92,043 sq mi)
Major languages Romanian (official), Hungarian (main minority language)
Major religions Romanian Orthodoxy
More information Romania, Geography of Romania, History of Romania and Politics of Romania
More images Romania - Romania (Category).

General maps

Hartă generală a României
Übersichtskarte von Rumänien
General map of Romania
Carte générale de la Roumanie
Harta fizică şi generală a României
Physical and general map
Carte physique et générale de la Roumanie
Harta României
Karte von Rumänien
Map of Romania
Carte de la Roumanie
Harta României
Map of Romania in Romanian
Carte de la Roumanie en langue Roumaine
Románia térkép
Harta României în limba maghiară.
Same map in Hungarian
Même carte en hongrois
Hartă topografică a României
Relief map of Romania
Harta fizică
Physical map
Câmpia Dunării
Walachische Tiefebene
The Walachian Plain
La plaine de Valachie
Harta hidrografică a României
Karte der Flüsse in Rumänien
Rivers map
Carte des fleuves en Roumanie
Topographic map
Mountains of Romania
The Eastern Carpathian mountains
The Turning Carpathian mountains
The Southern Carpathian (Transylvanian Alpine) mountains
The Western Carpathian mountains (Apuseni or Bihor, and Banat ranges)
The Harghita volcanic mountains
The hercynian Măcin range in Dobruja, Romania
Romanian railway system
Romanian national roads
Historical regions
Historical regions coloured
Regions of Greater Romania with counties of 1930
Historical regions within contemporary Romania

Maps of divisions

This section holds maps of the administrative divisions.

Development regions and counties
Counties of Romania with their capital cities
Counties of Romania
The counties with their capital cities
Communes of Romania
Administrative map of the Romanian Orthodox Church
Administrative map of the Romanian Greek-Catholic (Uniate) Church
Administrative map of the Romanian Roman-Catholic Church

History maps

This section holds a short summary of the history of the area of present-day Romania, illustrated with maps, including historical maps of former countries and empires that included present-day Romania.

The Thraco-Illyrians
Territorial development of the Roman Empire 264 BC-192, including the conquest of Dacia
The Roman empire at its greatest extend
The Roman Empire in 117
The extent of the Roman Republic and Roman Empire;
133 BC
44 BC (late Republic, after conquests by republican generals)
AD 14 (death of Augustus)
117 (maximum extension)
Roman era Balkans
Roman era Balkans
Dacia 82 B.C.
Map of the Roman Empire in 116
Dacia in the Roman Empire (116))
Moesia Inferior in the Roman Empire (116))
Roman Empire in 117
Dacia in the Roman Empire
The roman province Dacia
Kingdom of the Gepids in the 6th century (539-551)
Origins of the Romanians
Vlachs (Romanians) in the territory of present-day Romania in the 6th-8th century (according to the historical atlas for schools, published in Belgrade in 1970, representing a view of Yugoslav historians from that time)
The vlach-bulgarian kingdom under Ivan Assen/Ioan Asan II, 1218-41
The campaigns of Ivan Assen/Ioan Asan II
The wallachian & bulgarian states under the Tsar Todor Svetoslav (1307)
Principality of Walachia XIV - XVth century
Principality of Walachia during Mircea the Elder (after 1404)
Amlaş and Făgăraş duchies XIVth-XVth centuries
Growth of the Ottoman Empire, without differentiation between the christian vassal states and the turkish provinces
Development of the European part of the Ottoman Empire
Growth of the Ottoman Empire, without differentiation between the christian vassal states and the turkish provinces
Principality of Moldavia
Principality of Moldavia during Stephen the Great (1457 - 1504)
Romanian principalities 1600
Romanian principalities and Ottoman eyalets in 1683
Habsburg Empire during the 18th century
Romanian principalities 1793-1812
Romanian principalities 1793-1812
Map of the Ottoman Empire 1801
Bukovina as a part of Galicia, the autonomous Transylvania and the Turkish/Russian Moldovas
The Balkans after 1856
Romanian principalities 1856-1859
Romania (1868) in the context of "modern Dacia"
Romania 1859-1878
Romania 1878, compared to interwar Romania
Romania in 1879 (German)
The Northwestern Black Sea basin in 1886
Romania in 1886 (French/Romanian)
Romania in 1891
Romania in 1897 (Hungarian)
Romania in 1898 (French)
Romania in 1903 (Polish)
(together with Serbia and Bulgaria)
Romania in 1901 (German)
Romania in 1905 (German)
Citizens of Romania (1899)
Soil map and climate map of Romania before the First World War
Romanian-populated regions in Austria-Hungary at the beginning of the 20th century
Historical map of Austria-Hungary from the Bibliothek allgemeinen und praktischen Wissens für Militäranwärter Band I, 1905
Austria-Hungary and Romania before 1913 (Norvegian)
Austria-Hungary and Romania before 1913, ethnic map (Romanian)
Romania 1913-1916/18
Romanian Campaign (World War I)
Central Powers' offensive in Romania, 1916
WWI in Romania, 1916 (spanish)
WWII in Romania, 1944 (spanish)
The Allied offensive on Southern Central Europe
Railway map of the region of Moldova in 1917.
Romanian borders according to the Bucharest Peace Treaty (May 1918) and than to WWI Peace Treaties (1919-1920)
Territorial development in the twentieth century
Romania in 1924
Wallachian counties during XIVth - XVIth centuries
[[|border|251x400px]] Counties, 1480
Counties of Wallachia between 1601 and 1718
Counties of Moldavia between 1601 and 1718
Counties of Wallachia and Moldavia in 1800, according with N. Iorga and C. Giurescu
Counties of Romania between 1856 and 1878
Counties of Romania between 1878 and 1913
Counties of Romania between 1919 and 1925
The original proposal for the administrative unification of interwar Romania (Simion Mehedinţi Commission, 1920)
Counties and regions of Romania before 1926
Romania 1918—1940, Administrative map (after 1926)
The 70 counties of Romania between 1936 and 1939
Interwar Romania (administrative map)
Physical map of Romania 1926-1929
Romania in 1930. Administrative map including the counties, the towns and the county subdivisions (plăşi)
Romania in 1938. Administrative map including the counties, the towns and the county subdivisions (plăşi)
Romania 1939, Administrative map
Jewish communities in 1930
Romania in September 1940, administrative map
Romania 1940-1941
Romania 1941
Administrative map of the Governorate of Bessarabia (in existence between 1941 and 1944).
Romania controlled (August 19, 1941 - January 29, 1944) the whole "Transnistrian" region between Dniester, Bug rivers and Black Sea coast. The region was divided into 13 judeţe (counties).
Transylvania as part of Hungary
Romania 1942
Administrative map of Romania in 1942
Administrative map of Romania, 1950-1952
Administrative map of Romania, 1952-1956
Administrative map of Romania, 1960-1968
Romania in 1967
Proposed administrative reorganisation of the teritory of Romania, 1968
Romania 2000
Romania after WW II
Romania 1947
Danube Delta 1940 - 1948
Romania's Anticommunist Resistance 1948-1960
A hypotetical map of Romania united with Moldova, as it is demanded by the unionist movement
[[|border|251x400px]] The so-called "Belkovski proposal": a political union excluding Transnistria

Historical maps on Transylvania

Magyars in Transylvania
Traditional ethnographic romanian lands of Transylvania & Partium.
Duchies of Gelu, Glad and Menumorut according to the Gesta Hungarorum (9th century)
[[|border|251x400px]] East-Hungarian kingdom & Principality of Transylvania in the XII century.
[[|border|251x400px]] East-Hungarian kingdom & Principality of Transylvania in the XIII century.
[[|border|251x400px]] East-Hungarian kingdom & Principality of Transylvania in the XV - XVII centuries.
Transylvania in the 13th century
[[|border|251x400px]] East-Hungarian kingdom & Principality of Transylvania in the XVI century
Emigration of the Szeklers
Banate of Severin, 13th century
Transylvania in the 13th century
Transylvania in the 16th century
Transylvania in 1570
Kingdom of Hungary in 1550
The seats of the Transylvanian Saxons
Comitates, Szeklerland and Saxonland in Transylvania
The Transylvanian Principality in 1857
The Transylvanian Principality in 1862
Administrative division of Transylvania, 1300-1867
Sibiu County (South-Central Transylvania) in 1937
Northern Transylvania annexed to Hungary in World War II
Magyar Autonomous Region in 1952
Magyar and Mureş-Magyar Autonomous Regions (1952-1968)
Ethnic Hungarians in Romania
Szekely Land

Dobruja (Dobrogea)

Scythia Minor
Scythia Minor
Principality of Dobrotici cca 1370
Principality of Dobrotici cca 1385
Historical borders in Dobruja
Map of Romania and Bulgaria with Dobruja highlighted
The fronteer between Northern and Southern Dobruja
Counties of Dobruja (1878-1879)
The fronteer between Romania and Bulgaria (1913-1940)
The counties of Northern Dobruja


detailed map of the south-eastern part of Pannonian Sea (including area of modern Banat) during the Miocene Epoch
Indo-European peoples in Banat in ancient times
Roman province of Dacia and Roman cities in Banat (2nd century)
Lands ruled by Buta-ul, 8th century
Voivodship of Glad, 9th century
Voivodship of Ahtum, 11th century
Eyalet of Temeşvar, and Banate of Lugos and Karansebes in 1568
Eyalet of Temeşvar in 1572
Elayet of Temeşvar in the middle of the 17th century
Eyalet of Temeşvar in 1699
Banat of Temeswar in 1718
Banat of Temeswar in 1739
Banat of Temeswar in 1745
Banat of Temeswar in 1751-1778
Vlach (Romanian) Banatian regiment in the end of the 18th century
Counties in Bačka, Banat and Srem in 1881
Division of Banat between Vojvodina and Transylvania (proposed by Aurel Popovici in 1906)
Banat Republic in 1918
Banat Republic in 1918
Republic of Banatia (proposed by Banatian Germans at a Paris Peace Conference in 1920)
The dividing of Banat (1919-1923)


The principality of Moldavia in 1483, during the reign of Stephen the Great (1457-1504)
The regions of the historical principality of Moldavia, with the distribution of these regions to modern states
Ethnic map of Hotin County (northern Bessarabia) in 1844
Ethnic map of Hotin County (northern Bessarabia) in 1930


Ethnic map of Bukovina in 1930
The division of Bukovina after the Soviet occupation of the northern half of the province in 1940
Administrative map of the Governorate of Bukovina in May 1942.
Southern Bukovina within the modern Suceava County

Old Maps

Transylvania in 1532, by Johannes Honter
Romania in 1543, by Johannes Honter
Johann Sambucus, Map of Transsylvania
Map of Moldova, 16th century
Moldova by Dimitrie Cantemir, 1716
Walachia and Romania
Balkans, by T. Jefferys, 1785
The oldest known hypotetical map of Rumania (1816)
A hypotetical map of Rumania from 1855
The southwestern Bessarabian frontier between 1856 and 1978

Ethno-linguistic maps

The spread of ethnic Romanians
The 3 main subdivisions of the Daco-Romanians
Romanian varieties
Some representative isoglosses of three main varieties (dialects) of Daco-Romanian
Vlachs in the Balkans
Romanians in Romania (2002)
Romanians in Romania (2011) by counties
Romanians in Transylvania (1850)
Hungarians in Romania, by communes and cities (2002)
Hungarians in Transylvania (1850)
Declared Hungarians in Transylvania (1850)
Declared Szekelys in Transylvania (1850)
Hungarians in Romania, by counties (2002)
Hungarians in Romania, by counties (2011)
Hungarians in Transylvania, Banat, Crişana, Maramureş (2002)
Roma (Gypsies) in Romania (2002)
Roma (Gypsies) in Romania (2002)
Roma (Gypsies) in Romania (2002)
Roma (Gypsies) in Romania (2002)
Roma (Gypsies) in Romania (2011) by counties
Gypsies in Transylvania (1850)
Germans in Romania (2002)
Germans in Transylvania (1850)
Declared Germans in Transylvania (1850)
Declared Saxons in Transylvania (1850)
Ukrainians in Romania (2002)
Russians and Lipovans in Romania (2002)
Turks in Romania (census 2002)
Tatars in Romania (census 2002)
Serbs in Romania (census 2002)
Slovaks in Romania (census 2002)
Bulgarians in Romania (census 2002)
Croats in Romania (census 2002)
Greeks in Romania (census 2002)
Jews in Romania (census 2002)
Jews in Transylvania (1850)
Czechs in Romania (census 2002)
Poles in Romania (census 2002)
Italians in Romania (census 2002)
Armenians in Romania (census 2002)
Armenians in Transylvania (1850)
Eastern Orthodoxy in Romania (census 2002)
Eastern Orthodoxy in Romania (census 1930)
Eastern Orthodoxy in Transylvania (1850)
Roman Catholicism in Romania (census 2002)
Roman Catholicism in Romania (census 1930)
Roman Catholicism in Transylvania (1850)
Protestantism in Romania (census 2002)
Protestantism in Romania (census 1930)
Protestantism in Transylvania (1850)
Reformed (Calvins) in Romania (census 2002)
Reformed (Calvins) in Romania (census 1930)
Reformed (Calvins) in Transylvania (1850)
Pentecostals in Romania (census 2002)
Greek Catholics in Romania (census 2002)
Greek Catholics in Romania (census 1930)
Greek Catholics in Transylvania (1850)
Baptists in Romania (census 2002)
Baptists in Romania (census 1930)
Adventists in Romania (census 2002)
Adventists in Romania (census 1930)
Muslims in Romania (census 2002)
Unitarians in Romania (census 2002)
Unitarians in Romania (census 1930)
Unitarians in Transylvania (1850)
The United Brethrens in Romania (census 2002)
The Old believers in Romania (census 2002)
The distribution of the Lutherans (on the north of the Carpathians) and other Evangelical churches (on the south of the Carpathians) in Romania (census 2002)
Lutherans in Romania (census 1930)
Lutherans in Transylvania (1850)
Ethnic groups in Transylvania (1850)
Ethnic groups in Transylvania (1850) with Saxons and Szeklers
Ethnic map of the European Turkey and its vassal states (1861)
Ethnic map of the Balkan Peninsula (1898)
Vlachs (Romanians) in Hungary, census 1890
Ethnic map of Austria-Hungary, census 1880. German version
Ethnic map of Austria-Hungary, census 1890. English version
Territories inhabited by Romanians in 1908
Territories inhabited by Romanians before the First World War
Religions of Austria-Hungary, including Transsylvania
Linguistic map of Transylvania, Banat, Crisana, Satmar and Maramures in 1910
Historical ethnic map of Transylvania
Transylvanian Saxon settlements (1890)
The Lutheran church in Transylvania (1904)
German-inhabited settlements in Southern Transylvania and the Romanian Banat in 1940
South Slavs in Romania
Ethnic map (1861). See also the legend
Ethnic map (1903)
Ethnic map (1918)
Dobruja Germans
Ethnic map of Romania according to the 1930 census
Ethnic map of Bessarabia according to the 1930 census
Ethnic map of Romania (including Transnistria) in 1941
Ethnic composition of the (Romanian) Governorate of Bessarabia in 1941
Ethnic map of Romania (census 1977)
Ethnic map of Romania (census 1992)
Ethnic map of Romania (census 2002)
Ethnic map of Romania (census 2011) by communes and cities
Ethnic map of Romania (census 2011) by counties
Religious map of Romania (census 2002)
Religious map of Romania (census 1930)
Religions in Transylvania (1850)
Foreign residents in Romania (census 2002) by country of citizenship
Visa requirements for Romanian citizens

Satellite maps

Satellite image of Romania in December 2001

Regional topographic maps

Economy maps

Election maps

Notes and references

General remarks:

  • The WIKIMEDIA COMMONS Atlas of the World is an organized and commented collection of geographical, political and historical maps available at Wikimedia Commons. The main page is therefore the portal to maps and cartography on Wikimedia. That page contains links to entries by country, continent and by topic as well as general notes and references.
  • Every entry has an introduction section in English. If other languages are native and/or official in an entity, introductions in other languages are added in separate sections. The text of the introduction(s) is based on the content of the Wikipedia encyclopedia. For sources of the introduction see therefore the Wikipedia entries linked to. The same goes for the texts in the history sections.
  • Historical maps are included in the continent, country and dependency entries.
  • The status of various entities is disputed. See the content for the entities concerned.
  • The maps of former countries that are more or less continued by a present-day country or had a territory included in only one or two countries are included in the atlas of the present-day country. For example the Ottoman Empire can be found in the Atlas of Turkey.

Entries available in the atlas

General pages
Atlas   ■ Historical atlas   ■ Index of the Atlas   ■ Names in native languages

The world and its continents and oceans
Quick reference   ■ Historical maps of the world   ■ Old maps
Physical and topographical   ■ Political   ■ Geological   ■ People   ■ Time and time zones   ■ Projections of the globe
Africa   ■ North and South America   ■ Antarctica   ■ Asia   ■ Europe

(History, European Union)   ■ Oceania   ■ Oceans

Administrative divisions   ■ International organizations   ■ Languages   ■ Religions

Historical eras
Prehistory   ■ Antiquity   ■ Middle Ages   ■ Rise of Islam   ■ Early Modern Age   ■ Early American Societies   ■ Early Asian Societies   ■ Age of Renaissance   ■ Colonialism   ■ Stielers Handatlas 1891   ■ 20th Century   ■ World War I   ■ World War II

Entities with undisputed sovereign status
Afghanistan   ■ Albania   ■ Algeria   ■ Andorra   ■ Angola   ■ Antigua and Barbuda   ■ Argentina   ■ Armenia   ■ Australia   ■ Austria   ■ Azerbaijan   ■ Bahamas   ■ Bahrain   ■ Bangladesh   ■ Barbados   ■ Belarus   ■ Belgium   ■ Belize   ■ Benin   ■ Bhutan   ■ Bolivia   ■ Bosnia and Herzegovina   ■ Botswana   ■ Brazil   ■ Brunei   ■ Bulgaria   ■ Burkina Faso   ■ Burundi   ■ Cambodia   ■ Cameroon   ■ Canada   ■ Cape Verde   ■ Central African Republic   ■ Chad   ■ Chile   ■ China   ■ Colombia   ■ Comoros   ■ Congo (Democratic Republic)   ■ Congo (Republic)   ■ Costa Rica   ■ Côte d’Ivoire   ■ Croatia   ■ Cuba   ■ Cyprus   ■ Czech Republic   ■ Denmark   ■ Djibouti   ■ Dominica   ■ Dominican Republic   ■ East Timor   ■ Ecuador   ■ Egypt   ■ El Salvador   ■ Equatorial Guinea   ■ Eritrea   ■ Estonia   ■ Eswatini   ■ Ethiopia   ■ Fiji   ■ Finland   ■ France   ■ Gabon   ■ Gambia   ■ Georgia   ■ Germany   ■ Ghana   ■ Greece   ■ Grenada   ■ Guatemala   ■ Guinea   ■ Guinea-Bissau   ■ Guyana   ■ Haiti   ■ Honduras   ■ Hungary   ■ Iceland   ■ India   ■ Indonesia   ■ Iran   ■ Iraq   ■ Ireland   ■ Israel   ■ Italy   ■ Jamaica   ■ Japan   ■ Jordan   ■ Kazakhstan   ■ Kenya   ■ Kiribati   ■ Korea (Democratic People’s Republic)   ■ Korea (Republic)   ■ Kuwait   ■ Kyrgyzstan   ■ Laos   ■ Latvia   ■ Lebanon   ■ Lesotho   ■ Liberia   ■ Libya   ■ Liechtenstein   ■ Lithuania   ■ Luxembourg   ■ Madagascar   ■ Malawi   ■ Malaysia   ■ Maldives   ■ Mali   ■ Malta   ■ Marshall Islands   ■ Mauritania   ■ Mauritius   ■ Mexico   ■ Micronesia (Federated States)   ■ Moldova   ■ Monaco   ■ Mongolia   ■ Montenegro   ■ Morocco   ■ Mozambique   ■ Myanmar   ■ Namibia   ■ Nauru   ■ Nepal   ■ Netherlands   ■ New Zealand   ■ Nicaragua   ■ Niger   ■ Nigeria   ■ North Macedonia   ■ Norway   ■ Oman   ■ Pakistan   ■ Palau   ■ Panama   ■ Papua New Guinea   ■ Paraguay   ■ Peru   ■ Philippines   ■ Poland   ■ Portugal   ■ Qatar   ■ Romania   ■ Russia   ■ Rwanda   ■ Saint Kitts and Nevis   ■ Saint Lucia   ■ Saint Vincent and the Grenadines   ■ Samoa   ■ San Marino   ■ São Tomé and Príncipe   ■ Saudi Arabia   ■ Senegal   ■ Serbia   ■ Seychelles   ■ Sierra Leone   ■ Singapore   ■ Slovakia   ■ Slovenia   ■ Solomon Islands   ■ Somalia   ■ South Africa   ■ South Sudan   ■ Spain   ■ Sri Lanka   ■ Sudan   ■ Suriname   ■ Sweden   ■ Switzerland   ■ Syria   ■ Tajikistan   ■ Tanzania   ■ Thailand   ■ Togo   ■ Tonga   ■ Trinidad and Tobago   ■ Tunisia   ■ Turkey   ■ Turkmenistan   ■ Tuvalu   ■ Uganda   ■ Ukraine   ■ United Arab Emirates   ■ United Kingdom   ■ United States   ■ Uruguay   ■ Uzbekistan   ■ Vanuatu   ■ Vatican City   ■ Venezuela   ■ Vietnam   ■ Yemen   ■ Zambia   ■ Zimbabwe

Entities with disputed sovereign status
Abkhazia   ■ Artsakh   ■ Kosovo   ■ Northern Cyprus   ■ Palestine   ■ Somaliland   ■ South Ossetia   ■ Taiwan   ■ Tatarstan   ■ Transnistria   ■ Western Sahara

Dependencies and other overseas territories
Akrotiri and Dhekelia   ■ Åland   ■ American Samoa   ■ Anguilla   ■ Aruba   ■ Ascension Island   ■ Ashmore and Cartier Islands   ■ Baker Island   ■ Bermuda   ■ Bouvet Island   ■ British Indian Ocean Territory   ■ British Virgin Islands   ■ Cayman Islands   ■ Christmas Island   ■ Clipperton Island   ■ Cocos (Keeling) Islands   ■ Cook Islands   ■ Coral Sea Islands   ■ Curaçao   ■ Faroe Islands   ■ French Guiana   ■ French Polynesia   ■ French Southern and Antarctic Lands   ■ Gibraltar   ■ Greenland   ■ Guadeloupe   ■ Guam   ■ Guantanamo Bay   ■ Guernsey   ■ Heard Island and McDonald Islands   ■ Hong Kong   ■ Howland Island   ■ Isle of Man   ■ Jan Mayen   ■ Jarvis Island   ■ Jersey   ■ Johnston Atoll   ■ Kingman Reef   ■ Macau   ■ Martinique   ■ Mayotte   ■ Midway Atoll   ■ Montserrat   ■ Navassa Island   ■ New Caledonia   ■ Niue   ■ Norfolk Island   ■ Northern Mariana Islands   ■ Palmyra Atoll   ■ Pitcairn Islands   ■ Puerto Rico   ■ Réunion   ■ Saint Helena   ■ Saint Martin (France)   ■ Saint-Barthélemy   ■ Saint-Pierre and Miquelon   ■ Sint Maarten (Netherlands)   ■ Svalbard   ■ Tokelau   ■ Tristan da Cunha   ■ Turks and Caicos Islands   ■ United States Virgin Islands   ■ Wake Island   ■ Wallis and Futuna

Disputed subnational entities and territories
Bajo Nuevo Bank   ■ Crimea   ■ Falkland Islands   ■ Gilgit–Baltistan   ■ Kurdistan (Syrian)   ■ Kashmir   ■ Ladakh   ■ Paracel Islands   ■ Serranilla Bank   ■ South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands   ■ Spratly Islands   ■

Subnational autonomous entities
Aceh   ■ Adjara   ■ Adygea   ■ Altai   ■ Andalusia   ■ Aosta Valley   ■ Aragon   ■ Asturias   ■ Athos   ■ Azores   ■ Balearic Islands   ■ Bashkortostan   ■ Basque Autonomous Community   ■ Bonaire   ■ Bosnia and Herzegovina (Federation of)   ■ Bougainville   ■ Brussels   ■ Buryatia   ■ Canary Islands   ■ Catalonia   ■ Chechnya   ■ Chuvashia   ■ Corsica   ■ Dagestan   ■ Easter Island   ■ England   ■ Extremadura   ■ Flanders   ■ Friuli-Venezia Giulia   ■ Gagauzia   ■ Galicia   ■ Galápagos Islands   ■ Gilgit–Baltistan   ■ Gorno-Badakhshan   ■ Guangxi   ■ Ingushetia   ■ Islamabad Capital Territory   ■ Inner Mongolia   ■ Kabardino-Balkaria   ■ Kalmykia   ■ Karachay-Cherkessia   ■ Karakalpakstan   ■ Karelia   ■ Khakassia   ■ Komi   ■ Kurdistan (Iraqi)   ■ Khyber Pakhtunkhwa   ■ Madeira   ■ Mari El   ■ Muslim Mindanao   ■ Mordovia   ■ Nakhichevan   ■ Navarre   ■ Nevis   ■ Ningxia   ■ North Ossetia – Alania   ■ Northern Ireland   ■ Nunatsiavut   ■ Quebec   ■ Saba   ■ Sakha   ■ Sardinia   ■ Scotland   ■ Sicily   ■ Sindh   ■ Sint Eustatius   ■ Srpska   ■ Tibet   ■ Tłı̨chǫ   ■ Trentino-Alto Adige   ■ Tuva   ■ Udmurtia   ■ Vojvodina   ■ Wales   ■ Wallonia   ■ Xinjiang   ■ Zanzibar

Other regions
Basque Country   ■ Burzenland   ■ Catalan Countries   ■ Frisia   ■ Kurdistan   ■ Manchuria   ■ Sápmi   ■ Svenskfinland   ■ Székely Land   ■ Transylvania

Former sovereign nations
Austria-Hungary   ■ Byzantine Empire   ■ Caliphate   ■ Czechoslovakia   ■ Frankish Empire   ■ Kingdom of Hawaiʻi   ■ Inca Empire   ■ Iroquois Confederacy   ■ Macedonian Empire   ■ Ottoman Empire   ■ Prussia   ■ Roman Empire   ■ Soviet Union   ■ Republic of Texas   ■ Vermont Republic   ■ Republic of West Florida   ■ Yugoslavia

Former dependencies and overseas territories
Netherlands Antilles

Former disputed territories
Tamil Eelam